The main healdine (Ronald Singson posts bail. But lawmaker barred from leaving HK) reports on the proceedings on the bail hearing of Cong. Ronald Singson in HongKong (where he was allowed to post bail).
Tax evasion case filed vs dealer of luxury cars - a report on a case filed by the government against another supposed tax evader.
2 lawmakers seek Luisita deal probe - a one sided report on the Hacienda Luisita issue, coming from a congressman and a senator that seem leaning to the farmers. All the report did not mince words directly negative to the President, it nevertheless put the him and his relatives in a bad light. Aquino -1.
De los Angeles in Ormoc jail - a report about a rich person in jail.
BENGUET BUS CRASH Fil-Am boy never got to show pic to US classmates - The President taking notice of a tragic accident in Benguet, promising to look more into it. Aquino +1.
Absentee lawmaker still gets a House chair - a report on some lawmakers getting house committee chairmanships, with a little negative slide at the Abads with comments on them becoming too powerful under the Aquino administration. Abad -1.
Internet-savvy Aquino goes online to fight corruption - a report where "internet-savvy" is made a new description of the President. Aquino +1.
Cop in torture video faces raps - a report on alleged torturer in the Police force.
The scores today:
Aquino: 1
Abad: -1
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