Saturday, August 20, 2011

August 20, 2011

More old news become headlines again in the Phil. Daily Inquirer Front Page today.

The headline (Generals in ‘Hello Garci’ election scam face probe. House set to pursue damning leads ignored by Mayuga Report) is merely a gathering of opinions, meshed with what seems to be the paper's own opinions, on the Mayuga Report all against the former President. Arroyo -1.

The other front page news reports:

Benedict XVI laments ‘amnesia’ about God - a very important gathering for young Catholics covered not by the local media but at least given space in the paper. Catholic Church +1.

Gov’t ready to distribute 81,000 anti dengue traps - Two government agencies are fighting against Dengue. DOST +1. DepEd +1.

Senate appearance doctors’ call—Ignacio Arroyo - a blatant misreporting if not a lie by the paper is the main feature of this report as quoted below. Aquino +1. Arroyo -1.

Through his lawyer, Iggy Arroyo had earlier claimed ownership of two secondhand helicopters sold at brand-new rates to the Philippine National Police in 2009.

Sweet year for Philippine sugar planters - The Department of Agriculture reporting good harvest. DoA +1.

SYRIAN REVOLUTION. US, allies call on Assad to go - an International report on Syria and the US involvement.

The scores:
Aquino: 1
Catholic Church: 1
DepEd: 1
DoA: 1
Arroyo: -2

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