Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13, 2011

An SC decision and business report involving a crony of a former President is the main banner in the Phil. Daily Inquirer Front page today.

The headline (Cojuangco upheld on SMC. SC: Disputed shares belong to Aquino uncle) is a report on the SC decision on a 2-decade old case, which did not highlight the fact that the government lost the case. Danding +1.

The other front page news today are as follows:

Japan nuke alert up to highest level, like Chernobyl - an update on the worsened recognition of the nuclear crisis in Japan.

‘Morong 43’ defector marries soldier in camp ceremony - a report which gave the military better treatment than the communists. AFP +1.

‘Intel report could be the handiwork of rice cartel’ - the NFA and the Agruculture Dept does not have the same thoughts but the report make it seems both of them are right. The report also amazingly is not bothered by the fact that the paper is the one who released the supposedly "wrong" report.NFA +1. Dept of Agriculture +1.

Oil prices up again, 12th time this year - a report that gave more space to those who are complaining than to those whom the complaints are directed to. Aquino -1.

NAIA 1 rated among world’s 10 worst airports - the local airport is judged by an internet entity and which gave a chance for airport officials to explain the upcoming improvements.

The scores:
Danding: 1
AFP: 1
Dept AGriculture: 1
NFA: 1
Aquino: -1


  1. please provide us, across the nation column dated apr. 13, 2011. regarding ozamiz city scam.

  2. Sorry, this is not an official PDI archive and we do not have the capability to help you.


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